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Joan Craig

Promoting Promotion - Challenge Accepted

This is going to be a fairly short post.

I'm hoping that all of you who are reading this will accept my challenge (see below) and add your thoughts in the comments section.

Here's the deal - Earlier this summer, I submitted the above photo to an artist's FaceBook page. "Artwork by APJ" runs a monthly contest where people submit photos related to a specific theme/breed. She selects the photo she likes best and then paints that photo. The winner gets a very cool one-of-a-kind work of art. Guess what? My photo won! Here's the link to the creative process by this artist.

Here's the thing - You betcha! This is a fantastic way for the artist to promote her talent and her work! I already see that there are SP breeders who are now following her page. From my viewpoint, I saw this beef themed contest as an opportunity to promote the Speckle Park breed to a new group of people. There were comments about the breed and hopefully this made people more aware that the breed even exists. Even if I had not won the painting, it was a way to put some focus on Speckle Park.

Here's the challenge - There are all kinds of opportunities and ways to promote your farm, your herd and the Speckle Park breed. Some are tried and true and they have proven their effectiveness. But we live in a world that uses social media, online presence, phone apps and instant information. We also live in a world, that is increasingly realizing that face-to-face connections continue to be vitally important. And we know that people are keenly interested in

food and where their food comes from. So.......

What do you do to promote your farm, herd and the Speckle Park breed?

What about promoting the carcass quality and delicious meat?

My challenge is for each reader to write a brief comment about 1-2 promotional

techniques that they have used successfully..... with the understanding that you are okay

with other readers using your idea(s).

After all, by benefiting the breed there are benefits for all!

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