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Joan Craig

Can't say it enough!

Thankyou - Thankyou - Thankyou

Thanks VERY much to everyone who travelled to Ontario for the recent Canadian Speckle Park Association AGM & Events. So many people took time away from their ranches, farms, off-farm jobs, families and community events to travel here and it was greatly appreciated. Thanks also goes to everyone in Ontario who attended, hosted, or participated in some way.

Can't say it enough - "Appreciation is the currency of success." Shaka Smart

Enthusiasm - Enthusiasm - Enthusiasm

From the breakfast room conversations to the bus tour hospitality, along with all of the other social events, there was plenty of opportunity to share enthusiasm for the Speckle Park breed. From well-seasoned breeders to longtime supporters to those getting established to those who are new to the breed - there was a constant buzz of success stories, opinions and ideas!

Can't say it enough - "Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes shine to the stars." Henry Ford

Potential - Potential - Potential

The messaging by both guest speakers, Jim Clark and Russell Gammon, was all about potential! Finding ways to maximize potential and understanding how to see and build potential. Whether developing a brand, understanding consumers, using past results to build future growth or seeing the value of striving for the best - all of these lead to success.

Can't say it enough - "Our potential lies between what is and what could be." Kim Butler

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