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Writer's pictureJoan Craig

Showing UP

Shout outs of appreciation go to the organizers of the Speckle Park Shows at both the Paris Fair in September and the Rockton Fair in October. Much of our free time from mid-August to Thanksgiving weekend was spent preparing cattle for the show ring. It takes a lot of time and effort but the rewards go far beyond the prize list and that’s why we participate in shows.

Shows provide the opportunity to evaluate your cattle alongside your industry peers. The judge in the centre of the ring gives their opinion and official placing but there is benefit in doing your own honest assessing of how your cattle compare with others.

One of the benefits of being at a show is the chance to talk about the Speckle Park breed of cattle. We’ve found that fair goers love the look of Speckle Park cattle. Their markings are head-turning and it’s easy to enter into conversation about this breed of cattle.

We've also found that fall fairs attract many folks who are interested in the animals and in how their food gets to their plates. It is important to connect with consumers and provide them with information about their food and to be friendly and willing to take the time to answer questions and give explanations.

One cannot overlook the REALLY important aspect of socializing with fellow Speckle Park breeders. While everyone is focused and competetive, they are also very friendly and willing to spend time chatting and/or helping each other out.

Showing cattle should be an UP experience for everyone involved!

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